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So the photo for December is a t-shirt that I found in a free box, of course, that I gave to my nephew for X-Mas. He looks pretty cute in it, I think.
Happy New Year!!! and may the free boxes be as bountiful as ever in 2012.
A zine celebrating free boxes in Portland, Oregon! *Furnish Your Home with Freedom*
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
X-mas Free Boxes
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I've seen x-mas related free boxes all over Portland since we've had quite a dry spell.
Here is a photo of a box I came across. Almost all the goodies were gone, but I liked the labeling. It makes it even more enticing to stop and check it out.
A few weeks ago I came across a bag full of holiday wrapping paper and just the other night I grabbed a bunch of tinsel garland that I am using in a new ornament project! Pretty sweet.
I hope all you free box fans out there have been finding some good stuff!
Happy Holidays!
Here is a photo of a box I came across. Almost all the goodies were gone, but I liked the labeling. It makes it even more enticing to stop and check it out.
A few weeks ago I came across a bag full of holiday wrapping paper and just the other night I grabbed a bunch of tinsel garland that I am using in a new ornament project! Pretty sweet.
I hope all you free box fans out there have been finding some good stuff!
Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Free Box Gift
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So my friend Keri found 20 sugar dispensers in a free box. She grabbed them all up and made candles out of them with recycled wax she got at SCRAP.
It just so happens I received one as a gift and I love it!
So my friend Keri found 20 sugar dispensers in a free box. She grabbed them all up and made candles out of them with recycled wax she got at SCRAP.
It just so happens I received one as a gift and I love it!
Unique, Creative DIY gift, Love it! |
Friday, December 9, 2011
Merry X-Mas!
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So Portland has gone for one week, at least, without rain. Well, guess what that means? Winter Free Boxes! That doesn't happen very often in Portland and so this past week I have been spotting some pretty nice free boxes out there.
As a side note I got a new camera today! and just in time since I happened upon this holiday themed free box only a few hours after getting the camera:
Actually, earlier today I saw a man pull up to the curb, jump out of his car and investigate a Christmas light snowman that was in the box. I am pretty sure he grabbed.
I hope all you amazing freeboxers are finding some wonderful scores.
So Portland has gone for one week, at least, without rain. Well, guess what that means? Winter Free Boxes! That doesn't happen very often in Portland and so this past week I have been spotting some pretty nice free boxes out there.
As a side note I got a new camera today! and just in time since I happened upon this holiday themed free box only a few hours after getting the camera:
Actually, earlier today I saw a man pull up to the curb, jump out of his car and investigate a Christmas light snowman that was in the box. I am pretty sure he grabbed.
I hope all you amazing freeboxers are finding some wonderful scores.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Welcome Free Box the Zine's Zion Correspondent
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So I have never been to Zion National Park, but judging from the photos I've seen it looks beautiful.
A few weeks ago I met this amazing woman named Carrie Sue who lives and works for Zion National Park and she told me something really cool. There's a park free box where people who are leaving the park leave the items they no longer need for others to partake in. I don't know the details. I know that you can often get bottles of olive oil; pretty sweet. Now, I really have to go check out the wonders of Zion National Park.
I would also like to add that Carrie Sue was very excited about the zine and she took the whole collection, issues 1-9, to put in the Springdale Library where she lives. She is going to keep us posted on amazing Zion and Utah free box finds.
Oh, what beauty the world beholds!
P.S. - My camera bit the dust and so I was borrowing one, hence the blurry photo. I am getting a new camera tomorrow!
So I have never been to Zion National Park, but judging from the photos I've seen it looks beautiful.
A few weeks ago I met this amazing woman named Carrie Sue who lives and works for Zion National Park and she told me something really cool. There's a park free box where people who are leaving the park leave the items they no longer need for others to partake in. I don't know the details. I know that you can often get bottles of olive oil; pretty sweet. Now, I really have to go check out the wonders of Zion National Park.
I would also like to add that Carrie Sue was very excited about the zine and she took the whole collection, issues 1-9, to put in the Springdale Library where she lives. She is going to keep us posted on amazing Zion and Utah free box finds.
Oh, what beauty the world beholds!
P.S. - My camera bit the dust and so I was borrowing one, hence the blurry photo. I am getting a new camera tomorrow!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Happy Buy Nothing Day!
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So here's the deal. In response to the frenzied shopping that occurs on Black Friday, 20 years ago Adbusters came up with Buy Nothing Day to try and bring awareness to how consumerism has become the focus of the holiday season. Because this is their 20 year anniversary of this campaign they are taking it a step further and calling it Occupy X-mas. I think it is very thought provoking. I will let you read more about it at this link:
Of course, Free Box the Magazine is in support of Buy Nothing Day since I believe you don't need to buy anything; it is there on the street for the taking. You may have to wait a bit longer to receive it, but doesn't that make it all the more precious?
Case in point. Yesterday I had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration at my friends' house. When I got there, they had turned one of their rooms into the free room. I found a very expensive and sturdy pair of brown boots, which was perfect because the brown shoes that I have been wearing are starting to leak water, which is not good in Portland weather.
Check it out:
And just today, which was a beautiful day I might add, I was coming home from the park and someone had just put out a tv that has the digital converter already inside of it. I know this because I have the exact same tv. The remote control was there and they had attached a huge sign which read: FREE.
So I called up my friend because I knew she had a tiny tv and refused to go by the digital converter box. Turns out she didn't need to buy it because she got one for free.
Anyway, I hope this inspires you to think and wait before you buy because it may just be waiting for you on the corner of the street.
~Happy Freeboxing~
So here's the deal. In response to the frenzied shopping that occurs on Black Friday, 20 years ago Adbusters came up with Buy Nothing Day to try and bring awareness to how consumerism has become the focus of the holiday season. Because this is their 20 year anniversary of this campaign they are taking it a step further and calling it Occupy X-mas. I think it is very thought provoking. I will let you read more about it at this link:
Of course, Free Box the Magazine is in support of Buy Nothing Day since I believe you don't need to buy anything; it is there on the street for the taking. You may have to wait a bit longer to receive it, but doesn't that make it all the more precious?
Case in point. Yesterday I had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration at my friends' house. When I got there, they had turned one of their rooms into the free room. I found a very expensive and sturdy pair of brown boots, which was perfect because the brown shoes that I have been wearing are starting to leak water, which is not good in Portland weather.
Check it out:
And just today, which was a beautiful day I might add, I was coming home from the park and someone had just put out a tv that has the digital converter already inside of it. I know this because I have the exact same tv. The remote control was there and they had attached a huge sign which read: FREE.
So I called up my friend because I knew she had a tiny tv and refused to go by the digital converter box. Turns out she didn't need to buy it because she got one for free.
Anyway, I hope this inspires you to think and wait before you buy because it may just be waiting for you on the corner of the street.
~Happy Freeboxing~
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Best T-shirt find for October and perhaps best T-shirt find Ever!
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So I came upon a free box a week or so ago and nothing really interested me except for this amazing t-shirt that was right on top.
I will let you be the judge.
Amazing concept, Check.
Amazing logo, Check.
Amazing logo and concept drawn on with a sharpie, Check.
Total DIY
So I came upon a free box a week or so ago and nothing really interested me except for this amazing t-shirt that was right on top.
I will let you be the judge.
Amazing concept, Check.
Amazing logo, Check.
Amazing logo and concept drawn on with a sharpie, Check.
Total DIY
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Free Box the Magazine's Boston Correspondent, Liz
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Dear Free Box the Zine,
I am so sad to have missed your deadline for the United Free Boxes of America issue! Attached, please find a photo of me with my first free box find in Boston - this was our first day in our new neighborhood. "Free box" is a bit of a misnomer, since people just put things out on the curb on trash day, but I think of it as free box day. Apparently, you get fined if you have stuff on your curb when it's not trash day, so I'm trying to figure out how to put out a free box that doesn't get us in trouble...I have lots of good ideas, but little energy; don't worry, though, I will do it! And I"ll keep you posted.
Thanks for flying the free box flag! (even if your posts on the blog feel a bit like you're rubbing it in, since I can't free-box in Portland anymore *sigh*),
A United Free Box Fan
Dear Free Box the Zine,
I am so sad to have missed your deadline for the United Free Boxes of America issue! Attached, please find a photo of me with my first free box find in Boston - this was our first day in our new neighborhood. "Free box" is a bit of a misnomer, since people just put things out on the curb on trash day, but I think of it as free box day. Apparently, you get fined if you have stuff on your curb when it's not trash day, so I'm trying to figure out how to put out a free box that doesn't get us in trouble...I have lots of good ideas, but little energy; don't worry, though, I will do it! And I"ll keep you posted.
Thanks for flying the free box flag! (even if your posts on the blog feel a bit like you're rubbing it in, since I can't free-box in Portland anymore *sigh*),
A United Free Box Fan
Friday, September 23, 2011
Happy Autumnal Equinox
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So here is your free box photo of summer 2011:
I found this inflatable floating device about three years ago and have just kept it in the trunk of my car. Well, this summer I was at Sauvie Island and I happened to remember it was there. I pulled it out, blew it up (after at least a half an hour) and It Worked! I am so thankful I kept it all these years.
As you know, today is the Autumnal Equinox, so happy fall. I have been procrastinating putting together Issue 9 of the zine, but I said that it has to be done by the end of summer. Well, I am happy to announce that it got printed up and put into circulation today thanks to the IPRC and Gabby Holden (she is my favorite)! Whew, I made it just in the nick of time.
Look for Free Box the Magazine Issue 9 in a free box near you, if you live in Portland, that is.
Doesn't the cover look great? Yet another amazing cover by Cory McMahon.
Thanks and happy free boxing!
So here is your free box photo of summer 2011:
I found this inflatable floating device about three years ago and have just kept it in the trunk of my car. Well, this summer I was at Sauvie Island and I happened to remember it was there. I pulled it out, blew it up (after at least a half an hour) and It Worked! I am so thankful I kept it all these years.
As you know, today is the Autumnal Equinox, so happy fall. I have been procrastinating putting together Issue 9 of the zine, but I said that it has to be done by the end of summer. Well, I am happy to announce that it got printed up and put into circulation today thanks to the IPRC and Gabby Holden (she is my favorite)! Whew, I made it just in the nick of time.
Look for Free Box the Magazine Issue 9 in a free box near you, if you live in Portland, that is.
Doesn't the cover look great? Yet another amazing cover by Cory McMahon.
Thanks and happy free boxing!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Happy Labor Day!
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As I was riding home this evening I had such a sense of free box unity with the world surrounding me. I think this feeling became most apparent when I saw a couple loading up this really sweet dresser that had been on the free curb for about a week now. It made the smile that was inside me creep out.
It all started when I was riding to Food Not Bombs this evening and I came upon an amazing free box that was primarily filled with costumes. Now, those that know me know this was a great find. I do love costumes! Some of them were for children, including a very colorful clown suit, but I am sure I will have no problem finding recipients. The weird thing about this free box was that there were three brightly colored cummerbunds in there. I found it strange because on Friday I also found a white cummerbund. What is the universe trying to tell me? I will ponder that.
So when I got to Food Not Bombs literally everyone I talked to was free box crazy, which I love. Everyone was really interested in the zine. I met this wonderful free boxer who had come across Free Box the Magazine about a year ago and was super excited about it.
We talked and I would like to say that I am proud to introduce Melody, a new Free Box the Magazine correspondent.
She, too, found a sweet costume Just from talking with her, I am pretty sure she is going to have some amazing stories to tell. She also told us of a sweet free box on 30th and Stark that we needed to check out. Here is some of her loot.
So after hearing some amazing stories about free box finds from various people and with our bellies full, myself and my friend, James, went to go check out this free box she was talking about. On the way there we came upon a couple more free boxes and grabbed a few things.
Oh, and I am happy to announce that the permanent free box structure that I thought had disappeared from Colonel Summers park is back and better than ever! I think it was just in the shop for some upgrades.
So Melody described this free box as having a lot of books, and that it did. I grabbed four books, one of which is entitled "The ex-Boyfriend Cookbook." Now, I picked up this book because the title is intriguing. What inspires the recipes? Is it a reminder of your ex-boyfriend's favorite dish or perhaps the comfort food you enjoyed after the breakup. I suppose I could look through it, but I will savor that for another time. For now I will just have to be plagued with these burning question.
A fellow freeboxer grabbed a couple of books and James grabbed a few. He also took some books for prisoners, which I thought was a great idea.
Anyway, here is my photo of the loot I accumulated:
So I hope everyone had a very relaxing labor day and enjoyed the sense of community as much as I did.
Happy Free Boxing!
As I was riding home this evening I had such a sense of free box unity with the world surrounding me. I think this feeling became most apparent when I saw a couple loading up this really sweet dresser that had been on the free curb for about a week now. It made the smile that was inside me creep out.
It all started when I was riding to Food Not Bombs this evening and I came upon an amazing free box that was primarily filled with costumes. Now, those that know me know this was a great find. I do love costumes! Some of them were for children, including a very colorful clown suit, but I am sure I will have no problem finding recipients. The weird thing about this free box was that there were three brightly colored cummerbunds in there. I found it strange because on Friday I also found a white cummerbund. What is the universe trying to tell me? I will ponder that.
So when I got to Food Not Bombs literally everyone I talked to was free box crazy, which I love. Everyone was really interested in the zine. I met this wonderful free boxer who had come across Free Box the Magazine about a year ago and was super excited about it.
We talked and I would like to say that I am proud to introduce Melody, a new Free Box the Magazine correspondent.
She, too, found a sweet costume Just from talking with her, I am pretty sure she is going to have some amazing stories to tell. She also told us of a sweet free box on 30th and Stark that we needed to check out. Here is some of her loot.
So after hearing some amazing stories about free box finds from various people and with our bellies full, myself and my friend, James, went to go check out this free box she was talking about. On the way there we came upon a couple more free boxes and grabbed a few things.
Oh, and I am happy to announce that the permanent free box structure that I thought had disappeared from Colonel Summers park is back and better than ever! I think it was just in the shop for some upgrades.
So Melody described this free box as having a lot of books, and that it did. I grabbed four books, one of which is entitled "The ex-Boyfriend Cookbook." Now, I picked up this book because the title is intriguing. What inspires the recipes? Is it a reminder of your ex-boyfriend's favorite dish or perhaps the comfort food you enjoyed after the breakup. I suppose I could look through it, but I will savor that for another time. For now I will just have to be plagued with these burning question.
A fellow freeboxer grabbed a couple of books and James grabbed a few. He also took some books for prisoners, which I thought was a great idea.
Anyway, here is my photo of the loot I accumulated:
Clown suit on left, awesome books, various clothing and three cummerbunds. |
Happy Free Boxing!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sweet Berry Wine
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So I have an interesting story to tell, but you will have to for Issue 9, United Free Boxes of America, to get the full story. I do have a little tidbit that I will share because I was told to include this youtube video for reference. So here goes:
I went to a free box sale today. I was interviewing Ben, the coordinator of the sale, and he told me to be sure and include the jar of "sweetberrywine" in the zine story. Apparently this jar, along with some other jars that were labeled dandelion wine (yum?) were in the basement of the house when he moved in so it had been around for a while. The special thing about this wine is that it looks like it's liquid as wine should be, but if you tilt it, the middle is solid. I have no idea what would make "wine" do this, but it's true.
Here are the photos for your own judgement on the matter:
So if you want to check out how the mystery jar was so named, here is the youtube link for a pretty amusing video:
By the way, speaking of Issue 9, if you are a fellow free box fan that does not live in Portland, Oregon and has an amazing free box story or photo to share, please e-mail it to -- -- for issue 9, which is entitled: United Free Boxes of America.
This is your chance to be independently published. I look forward to hearing from you!
So I have an interesting story to tell, but you will have to for Issue 9, United Free Boxes of America, to get the full story. I do have a little tidbit that I will share because I was told to include this youtube video for reference. So here goes:
I went to a free box sale today. I was interviewing Ben, the coordinator of the sale, and he told me to be sure and include the jar of "sweetberrywine" in the zine story. Apparently this jar, along with some other jars that were labeled dandelion wine (yum?) were in the basement of the house when he moved in so it had been around for a while. The special thing about this wine is that it looks like it's liquid as wine should be, but if you tilt it, the middle is solid. I have no idea what would make "wine" do this, but it's true.
Here are the photos for your own judgement on the matter:
Looks like wine |
But wait, there's a solid mass in the middle? |
"Sweetberrywine" |
By the way, speaking of Issue 9, if you are a fellow free box fan that does not live in Portland, Oregon and has an amazing free box story or photo to share, please e-mail it to -- -- for issue 9, which is entitled: United Free Boxes of America.
This is your chance to be independently published. I look forward to hearing from you!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Free Box Photos for August
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August is starting off good with some great photo opportunities. Here are a couple that I took this past weekend.
Here is a free item I came upon on Saturday. I love the note. I did not notice the white flies, however. Maybe they flew away.
And this one I came across on Sunday. I did check out the free sale and purchased a wool sweater and a couple of canning jars, I mean, the price was right.
Happy Free Boxing!
August is starting off good with some great photo opportunities. Here are a couple that I took this past weekend.
Here is a free item I came upon on Saturday. I love the note. I did not notice the white flies, however. Maybe they flew away.
And this one I came across on Sunday. I did check out the free sale and purchased a wool sweater and a couple of canning jars, I mean, the price was right.
Happy Free Boxing!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Free Box Photo for July
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So it's been a while, but it's summer (finally) and I find myself spending less time at the computer and more time maximizing the awesome weather. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and finding lot's of treasures. I came upon this one yesterday and decided it was the quintessential July/summer photo:
So it's been a while, but it's summer (finally) and I find myself spending less time at the computer and more time maximizing the awesome weather. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and finding lot's of treasures. I came upon this one yesterday and decided it was the quintessential July/summer photo:
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Free Box Photo for 2011 Summer Solstice!
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Okay. No matter what I do I can't get this image to upload correctly, but here you have it anyway:
It's like a party in a box, a summer party. Now if only the sun would shine *sigh*. Oh, well, there are still free boxes abound.
Happy Summer!
Okay. No matter what I do I can't get this image to upload correctly, but here you have it anyway:
It's like a party in a box, a summer party. Now if only the sun would shine *sigh*. Oh, well, there are still free boxes abound.
Happy Summer!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Portland Bingo Pedalpalooza Results and Photos
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So the ride was a success. Everyone said they had a great time. We had six teams that competed for the grand prize, but in the end everyone was a winner for sure!
It was a grueling race and the finish line was at Star E Rose's on 24th and Alberta, which they were super awesome. They donated some blueberry scones for our famished contestants. Super cool.
So to prove each team's bingo they had to take photos. Follow this link to check out this team's awesome photos of their Portland Bingo items:
Thanks Portland Bingo and Pedalpalooza and everyone who participated and thanks to Cory who came up with the ride in the first place.
So the ride was a success. Everyone said they had a great time. We had six teams that competed for the grand prize, but in the end everyone was a winner for sure!
Flag Pole at Washington School |
Bingo Competitors ready to go! |
Myself holding the 1st prize, Issues 1-8 of Free Box the Magazine and a bingo stamper! |
1st place winners, Nick and Zack, not sure who is who :) |
Final bingo cards. |
Thanks Portland Bingo and Pedalpalooza and everyone who participated and thanks to Cory who came up with the ride in the first place.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Pedalpalooza Bingo/Scavenger Hunt Ride, Saturday June 11th, 11 a.m.
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Greetings fellow cyclists and freeboxers. Here's the lowdown on the bingo/scavenger hunt ride.
The ride will meet at Washington School, SE 12th and Stark, at the flagpole. Myself and Cory will hand out bingo cards to teams of two or three. If you don't have a team, come along anyway, I 'm sure you can join one. You need to bring a camera or have a camera phone so that you can take pictures of the bingo items to prove your bingo at the finish. The finish will be at the Alberta Flea Market that happens only once a month, which is on NE 24th and Alberta.
So as to make the bingo a little more challenging we are saying that you need to complete two lines in order to win. Also we are changing the free space to a free box. I mean, this is sponsored by Free Box the Magazine after all. For the winning team, each member will receive a full collection of Free Box the Magazine, issues 1-8, and each member will receive a bingo stamper. Runners up will receive either issues 7 or 8 of Free Box the Magazine.
Good luck and we hope to see you there!
The ride will meet at Washington School, SE 12th and Stark, at the flagpole. Myself and Cory will hand out bingo cards to teams of two or three. If you don't have a team, come along anyway, I 'm sure you can join one. You need to bring a camera or have a camera phone so that you can take pictures of the bingo items to prove your bingo at the finish. The finish will be at the Alberta Flea Market that happens only once a month, which is on NE 24th and Alberta.
So as to make the bingo a little more challenging we are saying that you need to complete two lines in order to win. Also we are changing the free space to a free box. I mean, this is sponsored by Free Box the Magazine after all. For the winning team, each member will receive a full collection of Free Box the Magazine, issues 1-8, and each member will receive a bingo stamper. Runners up will receive either issues 7 or 8 of Free Box the Magazine.
Good luck and we hope to see you there!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Sunday, June 5th
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Everywhere I went on Sunday I found freeboxes so it was hard to choose the photo of the week. I chose this photo because as you may know I am a huge fan of signage, and I think this one is a winner. I will let you decide for yourself:
Plus you know summer is just around the corner when you find a free box full of bathing suits!
Happy freeboxing~
Everywhere I went on Sunday I found freeboxes so it was hard to choose the photo of the week. I chose this photo because as you may know I am a huge fan of signage, and I think this one is a winner. I will let you decide for yourself:
Plus you know summer is just around the corner when you find a free box full of bathing suits!
Happy freeboxing~
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Bingo/Scavenger Hunt Pedalpalooza Ride
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Hello, fellow free boxers and bicycle riders.
I will be posting details for the Pedalpalooza ride shortly. Please stay tuned.
If you have comments or questions, please e-mail me.
Thanks and happy free boxing!
Hello, fellow free boxers and bicycle riders.
I will be posting details for the Pedalpalooza ride shortly. Please stay tuned.
If you have comments or questions, please e-mail me.
Thanks and happy free boxing!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Photo of the Month of May
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If I've said it once, I've said it a million times: Don't buy a tv. You can find a free one on the street. Well, today you could have picked up two tvs for the price of one: FREE!
Here's your photo:
Here's your photo:
Friday, April 29, 2011
Free Box Photo for April!
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Here it is, your free box item for the month of April. Actually, when I stumbled across this this afternoon it was probably my favorite item ever seen to date and will probably stay that for a while. Are you curious?
Wait for it.......................
I was so flippin' excited when I saw this. Coolest free item ever! It's huge. I'm pretty sure it's still up for grabs if anyone is interested. It's on the corner of SE 40th and Salmon. It's at that house which has a giant metal sculpture of a human that is about the height of the house you see in the background, which is equally awesome.
Anyway, I hope you get a chance to see it in person because I think it's pretty amazing. It's Huge!
Here it is, your free box item for the month of April. Actually, when I stumbled across this this afternoon it was probably my favorite item ever seen to date and will probably stay that for a while. Are you curious?
Wait for it.......................
I was so flippin' excited when I saw this. Coolest free item ever! It's huge. I'm pretty sure it's still up for grabs if anyone is interested. It's on the corner of SE 40th and Salmon. It's at that house which has a giant metal sculpture of a human that is about the height of the house you see in the background, which is equally awesome.
Anyway, I hope you get a chance to see it in person because I think it's pretty amazing. It's Huge!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Lady Remington!
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Here is your free box photo of the week. I had one of these in high school, memories *sigh*
Here is your free box photo of the week. I had one of these in high school, memories *sigh*
Monday, April 11, 2011
Free Bong
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Okay. For those of you that have seen Issue 8, there is a hilarious photo documenting the fact that someone put a bong out in a free box or I should say on a lovely floral free couch. Well, the photo doesn't show up too well in black and white so I shall display it here in living color so that you can see the bong more clearly.
My friend came upon this one day in Sellwood where she lives and couldn't believe it. I guess the bong was broken, but apparently could be fixed. Anyway, I thought it was rather humorous and courageous that somebody was willing to share instead of throwing away. I mean, this is Portland after all.
Here you go:
Okay. For those of you that have seen Issue 8, there is a hilarious photo documenting the fact that someone put a bong out in a free box or I should say on a lovely floral free couch. Well, the photo doesn't show up too well in black and white so I shall display it here in living color so that you can see the bong more clearly.
My friend came upon this one day in Sellwood where she lives and couldn't believe it. I guess the bong was broken, but apparently could be fixed. Anyway, I thought it was rather humorous and courageous that somebody was willing to share instead of throwing away. I mean, this is Portland after all.
Here you go:
Monday, March 28, 2011
Photo of the Week
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I know it's Monday, but here is your photo of the week.
What a great idea for keeping things dry. I just wish it wasn't filled with garbage. Oh, well, I still love it!
I know it's Monday, but here is your photo of the week.
What a great idea for keeping things dry. I just wish it wasn't filled with garbage. Oh, well, I still love it!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Fabulous Free Box Issue 8
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It's here! I finished the zine a couple days ago and printed it out today just in time for the spring free boxes to sprout! So be looking for your copy of Issue 8 at a free box near you.
If you know of any free box locations that you would like the zine to be distributed to, you can email me at:
Here is a teaser of what's inside this issue:
Happy Free Boxing~
It's here! I finished the zine a couple days ago and printed it out today just in time for the spring free boxes to sprout! So be looking for your copy of Issue 8 at a free box near you.
If you know of any free box locations that you would like the zine to be distributed to, you can email me at:
Here is a teaser of what's inside this issue:
Besty Lattig at a 1st Friday art opening in her fabulous free box hat! |
Monday, March 21, 2011
Fabulous Free Box
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Okay, Freeboxers, it's on. I am going to get started on Issue 8 today, the fabulous issue. Here is a photo of some fabulous free box items I found just today. I think it's a sign.
Yeah, they may be a bitty soggy, but they are definitely fabulous. So the cover is completed and in my hot little hand, and I am about to put pen to paper so if any of you wonderful free box fans have a story, photo or question for St. Cobber, now is the time to submit it. Here is the email address if you come up with anything:
Happy Free Boxing!
Okay, Freeboxers, it's on. I am going to get started on Issue 8 today, the fabulous issue. Here is a photo of some fabulous free box items I found just today. I think it's a sign.
Yeah, they may be a bitty soggy, but they are definitely fabulous. So the cover is completed and in my hot little hand, and I am about to put pen to paper so if any of you wonderful free box fans have a story, photo or question for St. Cobber, now is the time to submit it. Here is the email address if you come up with anything:
Happy Free Boxing!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Nice Weekend, Free TV
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So I am sure you have noticed that you can pretty much throw a stone and hit a free tv on the street. This is due to the fact that everybody wants the high definition and the flatscreen. Thank goodness I don't care about any of that. I have never paid for a television, which is super awesome. So if you are thinking you need a tele to watch your favorite show, just wait til the sun comes out and I am sure you will find one just waiting for a new home.
Happy Free Boxing~
So I am sure you have noticed that you can pretty much throw a stone and hit a free tv on the street. This is due to the fact that everybody wants the high definition and the flatscreen. Thank goodness I don't care about any of that. I have never paid for a television, which is super awesome. So if you are thinking you need a tele to watch your favorite show, just wait til the sun comes out and I am sure you will find one just waiting for a new home.
Happy Free Boxing~
Friday, February 18, 2011
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I saw this awesome lamp the other day when I was biking to my friend's house. I am sure it had been snowed and rained on, but I wanted to give this cool lamp some props before its inevitable demise. Who know, maybe someone took it. I hope so.
I saw this awesome lamp the other day when I was biking to my friend's house. I am sure it had been snowed and rained on, but I wanted to give this cool lamp some props before its inevitable demise. Who know, maybe someone took it. I hope so.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Ask Saint Cobber Issue 5
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And another one...have any questions come to mind?
By the way, the note at the bottom was left at the permanent free box on SE 13th and Main Street. I loved it. Best note of 2009!
And another one...have any questions come to mind?
By the way, the note at the bottom was left at the permanent free box on SE 13th and Main Street. I loved it. Best note of 2009!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
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