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I just took a little backpacking trip up to Canada. I went via Amtrak and various ferries, one to Victoria and then one from Victoria to Vancouver.
I spent a day in Seattle so I could visit the Elles exhibit that is happening at the Seattle Art Museum right now. There's this great coffee shop about a block and a half from the Amtrak station called Zeitgeist. I highly recommend it. I had to stop in there for a little pick me up once I got off the train and what should I notice, but a little free library. I just happened to bring a few issues of Free Box the Magazine for just such occasions. Hooray!
I spent a few days in Vancouver, BC, which is a pretty cool place. Main Street at about Broadway up to 30th is definitely a fun street with all sorts of quirky shops and eating establishments and coffee shops. There was a SCRAP type store called Urban Resource, which is why I went up Main Street, but also there was this amazing gallery/antique store that was super cool called A Bakers Dozen Antiques. It was kind of like a crazy art museum. I highly recommend a peek.
At about 23rd and Main Street I happened upon an independent publishing bookstore called The Regional Assembly of Text. It had this little nook library where people could read zines so I left a copy for some free boxing Canadians to peruse and enjoy.
While trekking through Vancouver on an exceptionally rainy day I may have stumbled upon a free pile, but it was dark and I was drenched and cold and so was the free pile so I didn't investigate further. However, from what I saw and the vibe I got from Vancouver I'm sure there are free box treasures to be found!
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