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Friday, February 7, 2014

Happy Snow Day 2014

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Portland is covered in snow, but I was still able to distribute a zine to one of the many little free libraries on my way up to Mt. Tabor.
I dug through the books and hidden at the very bottom I found the perfect reading material for a day like today:
I have never been on Mt. Tabor when it was snowy.  I live a mile or so away, so it was an easy jaunt to go check it out.  When I got midway up, I heard boisterous laughing and screaming and every once in a while someone would be crying.  Yep, there was the perfect sledding hill:

On my way up to the summit, I spied Mount St. Helens on the north side.
As I was walking today I was contemplating what it is about snow that is so magical.  Is it that when it snows in Portland everything shuts down so you can just go out and have fun?  Or is it something more?  The air always feels cleaner and crisper and everyone seems to be smiling and happy when surrounded by snow.  I feel like there has to be something mystical about snow.  I don't know.  What do you think?
View of Portland covered in snow from the top of Mt. Tabor

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