Furnishing Your Home with FREEDOM!

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Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

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Well, I had a great year as far as free boxes go.  I was a little lackadaisical about distributing the zine, but it got out there.
I couldn't help but notice that these past couple of sunny days people have been clearing out for 2013.
I spotted this yesterday:

I like the sign.

Today I spotted quite a few free boxes.   I snagged a pair of shorts and a beautiful glass serving dish that will be perfect for my NYE party.  Hooray!!!  I decided not to take the Picasso print because I just loved the energy it was sending into the world.

I have to say I was very pleased in all of my travels this December in spotting free boxes where I least expected them.  For example, I was in LA over X-mas cruising down Franklin heading to the Griffith Observatory when I spotted a bountiful free box.  I was so shocked.  I never imagined I would see a free box in LA.  I didn't think that was LA's style.  It just goes to show that free boxes truly are everywhere.

Happy New Year and may you have a bountiful 2013!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

December Free Box Travels

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I just took a little backpacking trip up to Canada.  I went via Amtrak and various ferries, one to Victoria and then one from Victoria to Vancouver.
I spent a day in Seattle so I could visit the Elles exhibit that is happening at the Seattle Art Museum right now.  There's this great coffee shop about a block and a half from the Amtrak station called Zeitgeist.  I highly recommend it.  I had to stop in there for a little pick me up once I got off the train and what should I notice, but a little free library.  I just happened to bring a few issues of Free Box the Magazine for just such occasions.  Hooray!

I spent a few days in Vancouver, BC, which is a pretty cool place.  Main Street at about Broadway up to 30th is definitely a fun street with all sorts of quirky shops and eating establishments and coffee shops.  There was a SCRAP type store called Urban Resource, which is why I went up Main Street, but also there was this amazing gallery/antique store that was super cool called A Bakers Dozen Antiques.  It was kind of like a crazy art museum.  I highly recommend a peek.

At about 23rd and Main Street I happened upon an independent publishing bookstore called The Regional Assembly of Text.  It had this little nook library where people could read zines so I left a copy for some free boxing Canadians to peruse and enjoy.

While trekking through Vancouver on an exceptionally rainy day I may have stumbled upon a free pile, but it was dark and I was drenched and cold and so was the free pile so I didn't investigate further.  However, from what I saw and the vibe I got from Vancouver I'm sure there are free box treasures to be found!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Buy Nothing Day!

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This is the perfect holiday for Free Box the Magazine to endorse.  In fact, just today my brother came back from his jog and said I have a free box present for you, which turned out to be a giant tv that I had to refuse.  I have a little one that fits on an old typewriter table that I can roll in when I need to use it and keep it out of sight otherwise.  It is, however, yet another example of why one should never buy a new tv.

Anyway, I am including this Buy Nothing Day link from Adbusters if you are interested in some of the work and events that are being done to celebrate this day and keep the buy nothing sentiment going through the holidaze.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Election 2012

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As everyone knows the election is just days away on November 6th.  I want to say that Free Box the Magazine holds no political views; just the facts, so here they are:

This was found at the Stehekin Mall:  Fall sale - 2 for none.  The Stehekin Mall is actually the dump, just so you know.  Here is what was found:

                                                                 Don't forget to VOTE!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Rainy Season

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Some of you may be wondering how to give those items that you just don't use or need anymore a new home or life in the rainy season, in other words, pass them along with the free box.
Well, I have one solution that many people love and that is a clothing exchange otherwise known as a naked lady party.
I co-hosted just such a party this past Friday and it was a hit as they always are.  We called it the the Rainy Day Free Box exchange because that's exactly what it was.  I distributed the new issue of the zine and it was a huge hit.

Skye Blue reading Free Box the Zine atop of some of the clothing exchange leftovers.
Here are a few tips to hosting your own Rainy Day Free Box or clothing exchange.

* Decide if you want it to be co-ed or just one gender.
* Invite people of all sizes and body types and encourage them to invite another person of the same or similar size.  That way you don't end up with a majority of one size of clothing and everyone can enjoy the swap.
* You may want to suggest that the clothing should be gently worn or still wearable simply because very few people will take something that has been heavily worn and torn.
* You may want to have it be a "snackluck" where everyone brings a finger food or snack to munch on.  Searching through clothing and trying it on can really work up an appetite.
* You may want to co-host with one or two people so they can help you sort and take the leftover clothing to Goodwill or a charity of your choice.  That way the burden isn't all upon the host.
* Have at least one full length mirror for people to view their potential finds in.
* If the party will be co-ed, you may want separate dressing rooms in case people are feeling bashful.

In general, clothing swaps are hugely successful and it's a great way to socialize.  You would think these things would be cut throat, but actually, not everything fits everyone and in the end you begin to suggest items to your friends when you come across something that is their style.
I think there's a lot of camaraderie at these events and it's fun to just put on a bizarre combination of clothing you would never wear and hang out in it for a while.

I hope this inspires you to host your own event and share the spoils even though the days and nights might be filled with rain ~

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Issue 11 Has Hit the Streets

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So today was yet another lovely Portland day, and I was able to come across a semi dry free box to distribute issue 11 in.
This is a permanent free box, by the way.  It's located on the corner of SE 28th and Main.  To be honest I have never found anything great in it, but I like that it's a permanent one and it's quite large.
So be on the lookout for the swankiest issue yet and happy free boxing!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Issue 11 is Here!!

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I printed Issue 11 today, so be on the lookout in free boxes everywhere! (in Portland mostly).

I will periodically post some of the images that look better in color from the zine on the blog so you can all enjoy them.

I thought the first to share was this calendar I found of Carmen Electra.  Enjoy ~

Monday, September 3, 2012

Submit to Issue 11!

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Hello, free boxers!
I hope the summer has been bringing you  all sorts of wonderful free box delights.

I am proud to announce that Issue 11 is in the works.  It's entitled SWANK.  If you would like to share your swankiest free box find or finds, please take a photo and e-mail it to:  freeboxthezine@gmail.com

Thanks and here's a little teaser of the cover (created by the lovely Cory McMahon) at a pretty swanky free box I found just two days ago.
Enjoy ~

Nice signage, which I always love!
By the way, the box itself was the table with all the lovely glasses and items set upon it with a little table runner.  I loved it!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bingo/Scavenger Hunt Team Photos

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I've been meaning to post this forever.
One of the scavenger hunt teams from Pedalpalooza 2012 sent me their three best photos.  The best photo from the ride will be published in Issue 11, which is coming up I might add.
Enjoy ~

puddle and rain boots in one shot and right at the start point

Elk, check

they tried to use this as their tiny horse, but we wouldn't let it fly. however, they did get happiness points for being creative.
And I do believe the "tiny horse" is the winning photo for Issue 11.

Issue 11 is coming up so if you have any amazing free box stories or photos, please send them to freeboxthezine@gmail.com.
The title for 11 is Swank, so please share your swankiest finds!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Free Box Photo for August

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I came upon this free box find today, and I have to say this is the first trampoline I've seen for free.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Free Box Sighting in Chicago

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I went to Chicago with Brandon last week and on the day of our arrival we spotted a couple of permanent free boxes.
We had just got off the 'L' at Logan Square.
Statue at Logan Square
We crossed the street heading to Brandon's friend's bike shop, Boulevard Bikes, and there they were.
I was super excited and just happened to be carrying a few copies of Free Box the Magazine so I dispensed a couple into the free books box.

The box behind it was a video exchange box, but it was full of unlabeled cassette tapes; pretty funny.

Monday, June 25, 2012

2012 Bingo/Scavenger Hunt Ride Results

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Hello, freeboxers!
Well, the Bingo/Scavenger Hunt was a success despite the rain.  Three wonderful teams showed up and were ready to ride!  I handed out the cards and they were off.
The winners were Petals and Pumpkin Pie with a total of 9 bingos.  They met at Pink - A Love Note Factory back in 2007, I think.  Those were there code names at the factory.  They have been friends ever since and were a great team.
Petals and Pumpkin Pie, Free Box winners!

The other two were great as well.  The funny thing is that every team got all of the bingo squares, but two and yet the scores were 7, 8, 9.  Placement is everything.
The other 2 teams and Meghan, center green, my lovely co-leader and Free Box Zine contributor.
As you can see the rain did dissipate and out came the sun!
Thanks to everyone and I will post more pictures as they come in.
I hope to see everyone at next year's Pedalpalooza!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Free Box

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I came upon a super cheap and sweet rummage sale today.  I bought a giant velvet painting of a mountain scene for $3 and a paint by numbers for the same price along with a few vintage summer dresses (each dress was $1, wow)

And there on the outskirts of the sale was a free box, which I thought was pretty funny and perfect for father's day.
Enjoy ~

What could be inside?

a bunch of random wires and electronics; perfect

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Free Box Photo for May

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Summer is almost here!  Portland has had a few super warm weekends where the free boxes were popping out like daisies.  It was wonderful.
This one, I think, deserves to be the free box photo of the month.  Two reasons:  1) This bin was full of these ceramic shells? and there were so many of them.  2) I have know idea what they were used for, but it was awesome that somebody was willing to share!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pedalpalooza Bingo Scavenger Hunt 2012!

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Greetings fellow cyclists and freeboxers!

Here's the lowdown on the bingo/scavenger hunt ride. The ride will meet at the Flag Pole at Laurelhurst Park, just off of Ankeny at 10:45 a.m. on Saturday, the 23rd of June.  The scavenger hunt/bingo will start at 11 a.m.  The Portland Bingo cards will be handed out to teams of two or three.  If you don't have a team, come along anyway, I 'm sure you can join one.
You need to bring a digital camera or have a camera phone so that you can take pictures of the bingo items to prove your bingos at the finish.  You will have 2 hours to get as many bingos as you can.  You will be deducted points for being late.  The Free Space in the middle will be changed to a Free Box.  I mean, this is sponsored by Free Box the Magazine.
The finish will be at the PSU Farmers Market in the SW Park Blocks.
For the winning team, each member will receive a full collection of Free Box the Magazine, issues 1-10 and each member will receive a bingo stamper (max 3 members per team).  Runners up will receive issue 10 of Free Box the Magazine.

Good luck and I hope to see you there!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

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Here is your free box photo for earth day.  This was an amazing find.  I was not able to take it, but I called my friends who are moving into a new pad and perhaps they got it.
I love the sign!

And I just want to let you know I have distributed a handful of Issue 10 out on these past two beautiful days.  There have been quite a few free boxes spotted.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Issue 10 Centerfold

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Hooray!  Issue 10 has arrived.  It took a little while to get the ball rolling, but yesterday I put pen to paper and just kept rolling.
Here is the centerfold photo as promised in the zine.  It's looks much more mystical in color:
Now you can really see and feel its power.
Stay tuned, I will keep posting more photos from the zine on the blog so you can see them in living color.
Enjoy and Happy Free Boxing!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Free Box Photo for April

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I know it's early in the month, but I have missed a few.  Here you go:
Isn't this amazing?  A kiddo's dresser.  I love how it says Good Nite Fuel Co., so cute.  This must have been made or purchased a while ago considering the gallon price, definitely not today's prices.  What a simpler time when gasoline wasn't demonized, at least not in Portland.  Of course I saw this amazing artifact when I was riding my bicycle :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Free Box Issue 10 Call for Submissions

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Hello, fellow freebox fans.

I cannot believe it, but Free Box the Magazine has reached issue 10, almost.  I would love to hear from some new voices.  If you have a story you would like to share or a photo or perhaps a question for Saint Cobber, now is the time.
The deadline for submissions is March 28th, and I hope to hear from you!


Furnishing your home with Freedom!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Free Box Art

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A year or so ago Free Box the Magazine put out a free art issue where I showcased various bits of art I had found in free boxes and how lot's of free boxes contain art or craft items to be put to good use.
I came across just such a free sidewalk today that fit the free art category or make some art with these items category.
There was a "car" seat made out of some rusty metal.  I am pretty sure it was a pre-existing art piece that was be discarded.  There was a sweet window that would make a great frame.  There was a desk, a bulletin board with tacks, a toaster and lastly a chair that needed some work.
As I was taking photos of the assortment of items, a very nice gentleman came up and examined everything.  He ended up taking the chair, which needed some work.  He said he fixes chairs all the time.
Hooray!  I love it when broken down objects get a second chance and a new life.  Maybe that is why I love free boxes so much or it could be that everything if free.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Free Box Photo of January 2012!

Pin It Now! So I was biking home from SCRAP last night and I almost missed this free box.  It was lovingly tucked away in someone's driveway.  I picked this free box as the photo of the month because of how nicely it was displayed.  It looked like someone's studio.
You have all the trappings of life:  two chairs, lamp, dresser, clock and a coffee maker!
Enjoy ~

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

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So January 1st is my b.day, it's true.  And I want to share a super sweet gift I received from some great friends.

I was told it came from a genuine free box.

It has lot's of pointing hands, which I love.

It also has lot's of awesome chapter titles and super sweet images.
I can't wait to read this.  Hooray!
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